Gayle Felton Love Thy Neighbor Lunch 2015
On Friday June 12th Methodist Federation for Social North Carolina Conference and Reconciling United Methodists and Friends North Carolina held their joint lunch during the meeting of the North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church at Front Street Brewery in Wilmington.
Love Thy Neighbor Conference 2015
Jack Crum Conference on Prophetic Ministry-Love Your Neighbor took place at Epworth United Methodist Church in Durham NC on April 18, 2015. The purpose of this conference was to welcome our LGBTQ brothers and sisters into the full life and ministry of The United Methodist Church.
Voting Rights for All Conference 2014
North Carolina citizens were subject to the most restrictive voting laws in the country as a result of legislation passed in 2013. As a response, Methodist Federation for Social Action – North Carolina Conference chapter (MFSA-NCC) organized a conference titled “Voting Rights for All.”