Statement on Judicial Council Rulings
Statement on recent Judicial Council Rulings with Bishop Reverend Dr. Karen Oliveto
And requiring boards of ordained ministry to ask questions about one’s sexuality
The North Carolina Conference chapter of the Methodist Federation for Social Action expresses deep concern with regards to the recent ruling by the Judicial Council of The United Methodist Church with the regards to Reverend Dr. Karen Oliveto who currently serves as Bishop of the Mountain Sky Conference in the Western Jurisdiction of The United Methodist Church. To nullify or rule void her consecration as a bishop of The United Methodist Church even they followed the procedures according to the guidelines of the church and those present knew who she was is an affront word of God.
In Galatians 5:22-23 it says “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” Jesus does not engage in identity when he ask who neighbor is in Luke 10:25-37. Whether we are a Samaritan, a Levite, or a priest we are all God’s children.
We are also concerned the Judicial Council’s other ruling with respect to the requirement that all candidates for ordination be asked question about their sexuality/sexual orientation. Are other questions to be asked as well ? Or is this more of The United Methodist Church just singling out a particular class of persons. Is that what would Jesus do? Christ never mentioned sexual orientation in the Gospels. He did have much to say about poverty, abuse of power, and loving one’s neighbor regardless of “ identity”.
We the North Carolina Conference chapter of the Methodist Federation for Social Action stand with our LBTQIA clergy , bishops, and laity. We advocate for full inclusion of LGBTQIA persons in the full life and ministry of The United Methodist Church. Further we invite all those who wish to see a diverse and fully inclusive United Methodist Church to join us on Saturday June 17th as we celebrate diversity and inclusion at Gayle Felton Love Thy Neighbor Lunch at 12 noon at the Holiday Inn in Greenville NC. You can look for more details on our website at and our Facebook page.
Grace and peace,
Henry Jarrett, President
Methodist Federation for Social Action
North Carolina Conference chapter