Methodist Federation for Social Action

North Carolina Conference

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Official Statements

Statement on Having Healing and Having Our Neighbor’s Back

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Division, anger, and pain are present throughout our communities, and emotions of separateness and otherness are felt deeply, but we are not called to be a people divided, we are called to be the Body of Christ. At this hour, the hands and feet of Christ are needed.

Jesus is calling, calling each of us to be a radical presence of love, of justice, of healing in the midst of communities where this is absent. In the face of division, we are called to lean into relationships that cross boundaries. In the face of anger, we are called to listen for the brokenness and pain that lie beneath the anger. In the midst of pain, we are called to sit alongside as a healing presence that bears, that hopes, that endures in abiding love.

Read more: Statement on Having Healing and Having...

Statement on Judicial Council Rulings

Statement on recent Judicial Council Rulings with Bishop Reverend Dr. Karen Oliveto

And requiring boards of ordained ministry to ask questions about one’s sexuality

The North Carolina Conference chapter of the Methodist Federation for Social Action expresses deep concern with regards to the recent ruling by the Judicial Council of The United Methodist Church with the regards to Reverend Dr. Karen Oliveto who currently serves as Bishop of the Mountain Sky Conference in the Western Jurisdiction of The United Methodist Church. To nullify or rule void her consecration as a bishop of The United Methodist Church even they followed the procedures according to the guidelines of the church and those present knew who she was is an affront word of God.

Read more: Statement on Judicial Council Rulings