Methodist Federation for Social Action

North Carolina Conference

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Voices on Health Care NC Oct 7 2020 - 12th Annual Jack Crum Conference

Health Care, the Bible, Christian Tradition, and Current Perspectives

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Dr. Laceye WarnerRev. Dr. Laceye Warner
Dr. G. Scott MorrisDr. G. Scott Morris
Rev. Dr. George McClainRev. Dr. George McClain

Join us as our Speakers for this Evening’s Webinar will focus on the following discussion...

Speaker: Rev. Dr. Laceye Warner, Associate Dean for Wesleyan Engagement, Duke Divinity School
Talk: “Primitive Physick - Care of the Sick in Early Methodism”
Dr. Warner will discuss biblical and John Wesley’s Early Methodist Views on Acts of Mercy, Health, and Healing the Sick.

Speaker: Dr. G. Scott Morris, Founder & CEO, Church Health (Memphis, TN)
Talk: “How Our Current Healthcare System Developed, the Church’s Role, and How the Church Might Reengage”
Dr. Morris in this talk will touch on the 19th century pastor “healer,” growth of charitable hospitals, how employer-based health insurance & other changes in healthcare financing had an impact on church-based & public charitable hospitals and the ways Church Health, Memphis is trying to reclaim the church’s role in providing health care.

Speaker: Rev. Dr. George McClain, former national executive director, Methodist Federation for Social Action
Talk: “An Activist Theological Perspective on Systemic Change in Health Care Delivery”
During this session of our webinar, Rev. Dr. McClain will discuss how our health care institutions are part of the biblical “principalities and powers,” that need to be (continually) “unmasked,” “engaged,” and “redeemed” from the clutches of greed, profiteering, racism, etc. Now is a Kairos moment for God’s movement among us and through us.

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